I had a Burger King burger about 15 years ago, upchucked it. I won’t eat one to this day. Wifey sat in bar with her friend drinking Crown at a ski resort all afternoon. She threw that crap up that night, won’t touch Crown at all, that’s 30 yrs ago.

Cherry Cobbler when I was a kid, repulsive to this day.
Jagermeister. Got wasted on that schit 30 years ago and threw up for 48 hours.
[Linked Image from i.postimg.cc]
Aftershock cinnamon liquor.

Haven't eaten at an Applebee's/Chili's type of place since 2002 but didn't actually get sick.
Goldschlager. Puked up little gold flakes in between presentations at a big multi-manager meeting. Lol
Originally Posted by Teal
Aftershock cinnamon liquor.

Haven't eaten at an Applebee's/Chili's type of place since 2002 but didn't actually get sick.

That too. I apparently was drunk enough to try to convince them that when someone dropped the bottle, I could pick up the cinnamon shards and not the glass ones.

Thankfully someone said no and took it away from me lol I also told them I could walk thru the bonfire, because the people on TV walk real fast on coals and it's fine.

That same party someone drove a heavily modded 4x4 onto the porch to smash the pumpkin I was sitting beside. Also fired a round into it.

I was sober enough to get the hell out of the way.

Ah yes, age 23. Lol that was the first and last party with those crazy azzwholes.
Cooked spinach

Ate a whole 10" cake in one sitting when I was about 8. Got violently sick afterwards, and still can't stand the sight or smell of it.
I had a bad night with Captain Morgan’s in college and haven’t liked it or any other spiced rum since.
Deviled eggs.
Anything whisky-like...Bourbon, Scotch, Rye, etc.
A youthful evening in the company of Bacardi 151 had me avoiding even the smell of rum for many years afterward.
Originally Posted by mathman
A youthful evening in the company of Bacardi 151 had me avoiding even the smell of rum for many years afterward.

"You are, without a doubt, the worst pirate I have ever heard of..."
Oh yeah, in my 20s once a girl I wanted to impress was drinking peach something or other. So I pretended to really like it too. Didn't take long before the room was spinning and I left a not so nice surprise in the sink. Lol

For someone who almost never drinks, I sure did get bit hard when I did. Lol

I don't miss my early 20s.
Moderation in all things. Including moderation.
Curry. Ate at an Indian restaurant with my ex maybe 50 years ago and got sick as a dog. Can't even stand the smell of it.
Calamari at a nice restaurant in Aspen, CO thirty years ago.

Spaghetti with meat sauce, when I was a kid. Luckily I outgrew that.

Originally Posted by hanco
I had a Burger King burger about 15 years ago, upchucked it. I won’t eat one to this day. Wifey sat in bar with her friend drinking Crown at a ski resort all afternoon. She threw that crap up that night, won’t touch Crown at all, that’s 30 yrs ago.

Wild Turkey....(the booze version)
Jack Daniels
Tequila. Got sick on it at a college party back in 1987. Haven’t touched it since, not even margaritas. The smell alone causes a gag reflex.
Peach Schnapps
Originally Posted by hanco
I had a Burger King burger about 15 years ago, upchucked it. I won’t eat one to this day. Wifey sat in bar with her friend drinking Crown at a ski resort all afternoon. She threw that crap up that night, won’t touch Crown at all, that’s 30 yrs ago.

Vodka ...
Shredded carrot & raisin salad.
Forced to eat that crap & threw up at the table.
Mom told dad "are you happy now"
Getting drunk. I way overdid it at a party in college & spent several days getting over it. I swore I'd never get drunk again and I haven't. I like a beer but never more than 1.
New Years 1978 Started in sunrises and switched to shots playing quarters.
To this day I gag at the thought of it!
"The New McRibb"... Got the last one they had on a road trip bout foty yr ago... bragg'in how good it was to all my buds... Umm umm ummm... Few hrs later on the roadside... Thought i was gonna puke to death!... It was a long ride home with those fuggers razz'in me...
Scotch, Vegas had too much of a good thing.
Used to work at a place where we would heat frozen dinners, think Stoufer's creamed chipped beef, chicken pot pies type stuff, in the ovens for our lunch breaks. I'd purchased some sort of seafood dinner deal, only thing in it I'd never had was scallops. Got pretty sick, didn't touch scallops for 30 years even though I figured it might have been something that had thawed in a truck or store freezer and the whole meal was bad. Just couldn't risk it being the scallops.

Finally, I had a couple of bites of scallops once and didn't get sick................so yeah, likely that package of dinner was bad.

Long before I gave up drinking altogether, I could no longer tolerate tequila or mescal. Tried once on a camping trip, 8000' mountain, Memorial Day weekend campout/party. Ran across some friends sitting on a rock overlooking the desert below. Bottle of Cuervo Gold. "Can I have a slug?" "Sure thing" I took the lid off, started to bring it to my lips, got a whiff and immediately started to gag/retch. Put the lid back on and said thanks anyway.

Other than a few things I dislike the taste of, can't recall anything else I won't eat. Had a bad grilled ham and cheese once, hasn't stopped me from eating good ones.

Edit: someone's post about the carrot and raisin salad reminded me of friggen being forced to eat lima beans by the old man once when mom was in the hospital having little bro. We came home from school for lunch, I hated them things before the old man made me finish them, as that was life in our house. On your plate, you better eat it. Got back to school and puked all over the schoolground like that girl in the Exorcist..............same color too I recall.

If I get some sort of meal, soup or stew like, with lima beans in it, they get picked out or I won't touch it.
Beer, spam
Fog leg gumbo.

Damn near died.
Canned deer meat.
Wife ate it too, was fine, so it wasn't the meat.
But I know what came out

Old Crow.
Drank almost a fifth in an hour, only time I've ever been very drunk.
It wasn't fun, couldn't stand any bourbon for a long time.
Chow Mein. I got a major case of food poisoning off it it Chinatown in San Fran when I was stationed in the Bay Area. And this wasn't just the "I feel queasy" thing people call food poisoning. This was the full blown deal diagnosed by a doctor. Spent 3 days in the hospital with IVs in both arms and a serious load of antibiotics and I was leaking at both ends. Took nearly 2 weeks to beat it and I dropped over 30 lbs. It was nearly 5 years before I'd eat any Chinese food at all and I haven't had Chow Mein since then and that was in 1989.
Snake bites. I try to avoid them at all cost.
Hot dogs and an Italian meat ball sandwich at the Bootlegger in Las Vegas.Two days in the hospital with food poisoning
Yep kFC on a NM Hunting trip about 30years ago.
Threw up from Santa Fe to Abilene all the way home.
Haven’t touched KFC since.
Southern Comfort. Got stupid drunk on it when I was 18 and haven't touched it since.

I'm now 52 and am still not touching that stuff ever again.
Ate at Long John Silvers in 1978, got sick afterwards and have never ate there again.
Originally Posted by viking
Beer, spam
That's like the breakfast of champions there!
Egg sandwich
My first Mickey D’s burgers. Projectile vomiting began before I even finished. Likely something else caused it, given the short time frame, but it was years before I could eat another.

First two alcohol overdoses featured Southern Comfort and Pinch Scotch. I’ll carry those to the grave I expect, along with the smell of ether from my tonsillectomy in 1963. Bad juju!
Originally Posted by hanco
I had a Burger King burger about 15 years ago, upchucked it. I won’t eat one to this day. .
You too??? LMAO... I've had just TWO Whoppers - about 40 yrs ago..... Both times I was afraid I'd have to have my stomach pumped.. I will NOT touch a BK to this day..

But even earlier - when I was about 12, I had just had a few Reeses PB cups....then got the stomach flu... To this DAY - I will not touch a Reeses PB cup...
Sangria, Cutty Sark Scotch
Popcorn. Chipped a tooth on an un-popped kernel and haven't had any since.
Buncha pansies!
Originally Posted by FishN4Eyes
Southern Comfort. Got stupid drunk on it when I was 18 and haven't touched it since.

I'm now 52 and am still not touching that stuff ever again.

That reminded me. A bar in Las Vegas had fifty cent Curevo Gold shots one night. That was in about 1992. Have not touched it since and have not been drunck since then.
Originally Posted by FishN4Eyes
Southern Comfort. Got stupid drunk on it when I was 18 and haven't touched it since.

Me too. Only I was 16. Just the thought of it makes me wanna puke.
Godfather's Pizza way back when.. went with a bunch of friends and a few relatives and we all got sicker than a dog. Never again.
Yeah, Tequila and Southern Comfort have laid waste to many a novice.

For me, it is Mu Shu Pork from PF Changs. Had violent eruption from both ends and was wiped out physically for a week.
Fried chicken, corn, mashed potato's with home made blackberry cobbler for desert. The second most upchucks I've ever done. But no way I'd give up that meal. I just over ate or something.

The sickest... alcohol poisoned on whiskey. My fault, was just being stupid. That was approx 40 years ago & I might have had a total of 3 ounces since. For the first 10-15 years I'd start gagging if I just got a strong whiff of it.

Saw a friend loose about 30 little Millers one night & blamed it on the bologna sandwich he'd had that day, opened anther beer, & chugged it down. I almost got sick after I saw him do that.
High school party in the mid 80's.....Bud Light and fish crackers! Can't stand the smell of any beer and shiver when my kids eat those crackers!

Was a LOOOOOONNNNNGGGGG night! I had a 1976 Chevy short box with a 3 on the tree shifter. My wife (girlfriend at the time) had a hell of a time figuring out how to shift! Thought it was our last date for sure!

Elk Country
Spaghetti!!!!! Threw up about 5 times and had noodles hanging out my NOSE...
Third year of College, We drank all afternoon and then till closing time. I remember mai tais, rum and coke, sunrises, screwdrivers, etc.

I started puking as we walked across the parking lot. I puked for several hours. Three days later i finally was able to swallow some nourishment. A cup of tomato soup.

Forty five years later, I still can not stand the taste or even the smell of ethyl alcohol.

And then there is the story of the "Puke Palace".

All three kids were still at home. Momma and I took.them all to I-hop. Pancakes and omellettes all around. I had to stop the car five miles out of town for the first kid to vomit. And ten miles later for the second. Momma and the oldest daughter were racing to the bathrooms as soon as the car rolled to a stop in the yard. I followed suit less than an hour later.

I know we all shared a bout of some stomach bug. But that matters not. None of the five of us has crossed the threshhold of an I-hop in over thirty years.
Currently on week 3 of no mexican food outside of chips & salsa.
Seagrams 7 was the first booze I ever got violently sick/drunk off of. Early teenager. That one still sticks.

Maybe 7 years ago, NORO virus came through my house. The last thing I had eaten, and thence first to come out, when the gastro intestinal fireworks began, was a BLT sammich. It wasn’t a food born illness at all. Had nothing to do with bacon, the Mayo, none of it, but, bacon was Off The Menu for awhile. Just due to mental guilt by association.

Thankfully, l have been cured, mentally. And enjoy bacon as much as I ever did before. Honestly, it took a matter of years. Weird.
Southern Comfort is to be avoided in any circumstance, never mind being sick on it.
Yes, "aversive conditioning" with our gastric system hot-wired directly to one's brain. A protective survival mechanism but it can often be wrong. If one has 5 items in a meal with one of them being new or novel, the subsequent gastric wreck will be blamed on the novel item even though the root cause might have been any of the other 4.

Scientists have tried to use the process to adjust animal diets with an objective of either tricking them into avoiding desirable forages (like having one's goat weed the strawberry patch) or perhaps avoiding toxic plants. One offers up the new item and the critters are simultaneously given a dose of lithium chloride. They're not aware of the chloride but they get one Hell of a stomachache. It works quite well, but once out on their own most will do some testing or see their peers are having no issues, and eventually revert to their habitual choices. Retreatment can reinforce the aversion, but again it's rare to have it stick.

Got sick as a 5-year-old at a church picnic placing blame on a bad hotdog. Could have just as easily been potato salad, chicken, Kool aide, any of the other common picnic items, or even some totally unrelated stomach bug. I was about 22 or 23 years old before I consumed another dog.

My worst event as an adult was with a huge lunch time Mexican food platter carrying all manner of goodies. I put down two more hefty meals before the eruptions from both ends appeared. The explosions came just at the start of a road trip from SE Oregon to San Diego. Instructions to the driver were that if I uttered stop one was to immediately lock the brakes regardless of location. Mooned a lot of passing motorist out in the desert on that trip. No way to hide a 6'4" frame in a stand of low sagebrush, and I was weak on Mexican food for a couple years.

In hindsight, I wish I had done some aversive conditioning with my kid and fillet mignon. Would have saved me a bundle.

It's obvious from above that those never again drinking events can cause one to swear off for quite some time too. A few test sessions with a little moderation, however, and we mostly come back.
Your mom
I should add, I did go through ‘steps’ to retrain myself - I work in kitchens and am constantly around bacon in whichever forms and incarnations. I forced myself to start nibbling on it, from time to time. There’s no way a guy, a certified chef, an epicure, can go through life having a mental aversion to bacon, of all things. It wasn’t long after I started retraining my mind that I was able to eat and enjoy a BLT again. But, it was a matter of years before I could. In fact, I just had and TRULY enjoyed a full on BLT sammich in the identical form of the ‘offensive’ one, last week.

Like Malcolm McDowell said in Clockwork Orange - I AM cured!

The mind is a powerful thing. And it’s all in your mindset.
Can't drink wine,got sick on it in high school.
Apple schnapps

Yup Southern Comfort, God me sick on my 18 B-day never drank it again , and don't ever plan too!
Threw up spaghetti and chocolate milk when I was a kid. Still drink chocolate milk, haven't touched spaghetti since.
Where's some wood to knock on... Don't remember the last time I had food poisoning.
Ex meth addicts, bi-polar, schitzophrenic women.

But I repeat myself.
Got super hammered one night and went in to work the next day (welder). Worked a 12 hour shift, didn't eat or drink anything all day. Went home and ate a huge bowl of watermelon out of the fridge. About 5 minutes later I was running to the bathroom. Yanked open the shower curtain because I knew I didn't have time to hit the bowl and spewed pink liquid and chunks of half digested watermelon all over the walls of the shower. Had to snot out the remainder of what ended up going through my nose, and apparently my body didn't like being bent over at a 90 degree angle from the waist because I projectile vomited the remainder of my stomach contents on the side of the tub and my boots. Had to get rid of that particular pair of boots, I could smell the puke on them for weeks, even after a vigorous scrubbing and leather treatment.
Originally Posted by kolofardos
Your mom

Gin. Mixed it with Grape kool aid when I was 16.
I can't even crush a juniper berry without dry vomiting at age 62.
local pizza joint. Mom was outta town, so dad took us kids there for dinner. Everybody got tore up. 25 years later, been sold probly 4 times . And i still havnt stepped foot in there
Originally Posted by SupFoo
Originally Posted by FishN4Eyes
Southern Comfort. Got stupid drunk on it when I was 18 and haven't touched it since.

Me too. Only I was 16. Just the thought of it makes me wanna puke.
Originally Posted by saddlering
Yup Southern Comfort, God me sick on my 18 B-day never drank it again , and don't ever plan too!

Back in the late 1980s I ate an entire package of frozen candied yams as a meal (cooked in the micro according to package instructions, of course). I used to love that stuff. Just a couple hours later, I got so sick that, rather than being afraid I'd die, I was afraid I wouldn't. Back and forth to the toilet for vomiting sessions all night. To this day, I still get a little nauseous at the very thought of candied yams. Won't go near them.

Obviously, the package was contaminated with some kind of food poisoning.
Sushi, got food poisoning. Haven’t had it since, and that was 20 years ago.
Udorn, Thailand, 1964. Ate downtown , not supposed to do that, puking and schizzling fits for 3 days. Squadron commander was not pleased about me missing 3 days of duty, got confinement to base for 30 days which was fine with me.

I have not had a drop of alcohol in over 30 years, got sick and tired of waking up sick and tired.

I keep a bottle of tequila under the sink at all times in case the drain gets clogged.
When I was19 and stationed at Ft.Bragg I got really sick on tequila. Only I could drink it after that is with salt and lemon. Some might think why? It’s cause and effect. Because I like the effect. As an aside, I loved Chinese food until my wife tried to kill me by giving me leftovers that were in her car for 8 hrs. Was 10 yrs until I could even drive by a restaurant without holding my breath. Never perused charges, for the kids sake.
This one hasn't been mentioned yet, which might be strange. " LIVERWURST "
As a kid about 60 years ago, had to eat some, according to mothers orders. Upchucked it all about a hour later, Strangely, when you looked at it, you couldn't tell if it was before or after.
60 years later, can't stand to look at it or smell it.
Fish and chips at Carrows Restaurant about 20 years ago. Stayed out of Carrows and only had seafood one time eating out since.

Boones Farm Strawberry Hill almost 50 years ago did it for me too. I was sitting on the pot pizzing out my asz and puking in a trash can at the same time.
Sticky buns
When I was a teenager, dad brought some home from the local bake shop (remember them?).
I got sick after eating one, and it was probably not because of them, but a stomach bug, but I didn't eat them for years.
Chicken Pot Pie....got food poisoning from one. Never had another.
My mother opened and served us canned tamales when I was in about 1st grade.

She and I both got sick as a dog. sick

Austex brand.

I wouldn't touch any tamale for about 35 years.

Now I eat some good, homemade tamales, but for those years they were nauseating to even think about.
Chocolate chips. Ate a handful when treating a concrete slab in cold weather with a gas space heater. Got carbon monoxide sick and up came the chocolate chips. Couldn't eat them for at least 3 weeks - fortunately.
Tequila makes you howl at the moon... Had so much tequila in Mex once, my friends convinced the waiter that every time I ordered another to just bring a shot glass of water. I was so far gone, I didn't know the difference.
Nopo and I've gotten dang blasted wasted and sick in my yute. Couple of food poisoning incidents as well. Hasn't scared me off at all.
Golden Corral.

Mother in law had the whole family out and bought our meals. Food tasted okay, as good as can be expected from such an establishment anyway. First clue was when I went to take a piss and had to use a stall due to the urinals all being occupied. I zipped up and turn around to find the entire stall door painted in dried puke, bad sign.

When we made it home the wife and I were on a 10 minute rotation. One of us sit on the only toilet in our tiny one bathroom house while the other sat on the couch puking into the trash can. About 10 minutes and it would be time to switch places. Drink a quart of water to keep from getting dehydrated and start over.

It was so bad we had to get someone to come get the baby and keep him for a couple days as we could barely care for ourselves let alone an infant.

Never again will I step foot in that feed yard.
Originally Posted by rockinbbar
My mother opened and served us canned tamales when I was in about 1st grade.

She and I both got sick as a dog. sick

Austex brand.

I wouldn't touch any tamale for about 35 years.

Now I eat some good, homemade tamales, but for those years they were nauseating to even think about.
🤣 Those were the ones wrapped in toilet paper instead of corn husk.
Originally Posted by rockinbbar
My mother opened and served us canned tamales when I was in about 1st grade.

She and I both got sick as a dog. sick

Austex brand.

I wouldn't touch any tamale for about 35 years.

Now I eat some good, homemade tamales, but for those years they were nauseating to even think about.

I still eat those every once in a while. They are OK, but not nearly as good as homemade tamales.

The only other “store bought” tamales I’ll eat are the Pedro’s frozen ones made in Lubbock.
If your ever driving through Lubbock, they have a to go window at their Tamale Factory. You can get them hot and fresh there. Damn Good Tamales!!! If I’m going through there on the way to NM or CO, I always stop the and get some to eat on the road.

Luckily, I’ve never had a bad Tamale. They are definitely my favorite Mexican Food. 🤠
Nothing. I’m not too sharp
Originally Posted by whackem_stackem
[Linked Image from i.postimg.cc]

All those right there were the Master Keys to teenage girls belt buckles, zippers, and panties.

In 1971 I drank a 5th of gin with only 12 oz of 7up in an afternoon. Got really sick . . . imagine that. Even today, if I even SMELL gin, my stomach flips.

My mother used to make a side dish made with tomato soup, cottage cheese and other stuff (can't guess what else). I was up all night sitting on the toilet with a garbage can for the vomit in front of me. I was probably 14 or 15 and had had it before. I assume I had the flu, but that really tasted bad coming back up that night.

Haven't touched either since.
Jack Daniel's for me too. About 30 years ago, a few buddies and I went moonlight bowling. You could win some money If you got a strike on a rack with a colored head pin.

My one buddy and I each drained a pint of J. D. in about 10 minutes before we left. Halfway through the 2nd game, The whiskey kicked in......I missed my lane once and Joe missed twice........They told us we couldn't
bowl anymore so we decided to shoot some pool.

The management wasn't enthused when, after a questionable shot, we decided to settle the little disagreement by fencing with the pool cues.

We were no longer allowed in that particular establishment.

To this day, Just the smell of Jack Daniel's gives me the dry heaves.
Originally Posted by mtnsnake
Snake bites. I try to avoid them at all cost.
You have to skin & cook them before you bite them. They're pretty bad raw.
Originally Posted by socko1
Nothing. I’m not too sharp

Its a sign of weakness to quit.

I really dont like Brussels Sprouts.

I still eats em.
Polish sausage for the longest time. Got sick after eating it as a 10 yr old., and couldn't touch the stuff for 20 years.

Jack Daniels. Hard weekend on the stuff partying in Korea. Couldn't smell it for years without gagging. Only been the last 10 or so that it has come back into the liquor cabinet fold.

Soju. Way too many weekends with the guys and a few "battalion bottles" of that crap. Hadn't touched it since I left Korea until a year or so ago when the old lady wanted to go to a Korean restaurant nearby. Tried it for the first time in 37 years. Nope.

Oysters. Loved raw oysters. Until New Orleans, and I stupidly tried an oyster shooter at the urging of the W's friend. Blecchhh. Turned me off of oysters for a while.
Seagrams VO! My ex-wifes best friend came over the night we split up. She brought a half gallon of that stuff! The night was one to remember but unfortunately, I can't! However, I do remember being violently ill. I haven't touched a drop of that stuff since and that was 40 years ago! Good thread! thanks for posting!
Lil Debbie Star Crunch at grandparents as a kid. Probably ate the whole box in 12 hours. 40 years later, still a no-go!
Stewed tomatoes.
Originally Posted by COLORADO_LUCKYDOG
Seagrams VO! My ex-wifes best friend came over the night we split up. She brought a half gallon of that stuff! The night was one to remember but unfortunately, I can't! However, I do remember being violently ill. I haven't touched a drop of that stuff since and that was 40 years ago! Good thread! thanks for posting!

Drive by Burger King today, made me think of this. They were my favorite burger until I got sick after eating one.
Got a carton of malted milk balls for Christmas when I was a kid and ate the whole carton that day. Haven’t eaten one since.
There once was a girl from Nantucket...

Ain't been back since...

There is no poem...
One day in 2016 I stopped my big rig for the night at Jennings Travel Plaza in Jennings Louisiana.

It was 9pm. I went to the front desk, right there they had a "warming tray." I bought two egg rolls for supper, and went back and ate them in my truck for supper.
About 5am, I was in the bathroom on my knees, vomiting into the toilet. Ten minutes later, I was back in that bathroom hitting the toilet with vicious diarrhea. Food poisoning. I had to park the truck for the night, I couldn't see straight.

That crud stuck with me for 5 long weeks. I have never since eaten anything from a warming tray.
German Chocolate Cake, even hate to smell it.
151 rum.
Originally Posted by oldhunter49
This one hasn't been mentioned yet, which might be strange. " LIVERWURST "

60 years later, can't stand to look at it or smell it.

Since early childhood, I cannot tolerate liver in any form. I would lie down beside a platter of liverwurst and starve to death.

Liver is the reason God invented coyotes. eek
Originally Posted by MarkWV
German Chocolate Cake, even hate to smell it.

[Linked Image from i.gifer.com]
...1977, Kalispell, MT Moose's Saloon. Red beer (lots of it) and thin crust pizza. Wobbled outside to the parking lot and let'r rip. Two days later, back in the bar for more red beer and pizza. Not quite as much red beer that time.

Forty years later, my wife and i drove back to Kalispell and, of course, had to stop at Moose's. The beer was cold, and the pizza was excellent. And, I kept it down.
I eventually got over everything that I "yacked" on, but the worst was probably wine. When I was about 19 or so, I went with my girlfriend to her good friend's graduation party. This friend was of Czech descent and had close relatives still living there.

Anyway, one of her uncles, who was an immigrant, had brought 2, 2 gallon glass cider jugs full of wine he had made. After many beers and a challenge, I ended up chugging wine from a jug. It wasn't long before I was out cold on one of those 80's beach lounge chairs that laid flat, covered with a horse blanket, which is how I woke the next morning. I remember getting sick in an old metal milk can at some point and passing out again in that lounge chair.

I couldn't handle even the scent of wine for years after that night. My infatuation with a woman many years later who enjoyed wine, led me to try it again. The first few times trying wine again were done for her, and it was worth it in the end.
Bacon and cheese stuffed potatoes.

Originally Posted by bruinruin
I eventually got over everything that I "yacked" on, but the worst was probably wine. When I was about 19 or so, I went with my girlfriend to her good friend's graduation party. This friend was of Czech descent and had close relatives still living there.

Anyway, one of her uncles, who was an immigrant, had brought 2, 2 gallon glass cider jugs full of wine he had made. After many beers and a challenge, I ended up chugging wine from a jug. It wasn't long before I was out cold on one of those 80's beach lounge chairs that laid flat, covered with a horse blanket, which is how I woke the next morning. I remember getting sick in an old metal milk can at some point and passing out again in that lounge chair.

I couldn't handle even the scent of wine for years after that night. My infatuation with a woman many years later who enjoyed wine, led me to try it again. The first few times trying wine again were done for her, and it was worth it in the end.

When I was 12 I got bombed on real Mexican food and Coors beer.

It was at a fancy wedding in the Napa Valley.

They still talk about it today. It never put me off real Mexican food or Coors beer.
Jack in the box
Bonus Jack Hamburger
Flagstaff AZ
Originally Posted by jnyork
Originally Posted by oldhunter49
This one hasn't been mentioned yet, which might be strange. " LIVERWURST "

60 years later, can't stand to look at it or smell it.

Since early childhood, I cannot tolerate liver in any form. I would lie down beside a platter of liverwurst and starve to death.

Liver is the reason God invented coyotes. eek

Du Schweinehund!!

I also cannot stand any kind of fried liver. But my DNA is 25 percent German and I just love liverwurst, in the true language, Braunschweiger. I eat two slices every morning.. Come now, be a good German boy and try some Braunschweiger.
Banana anything Banana.
Mail Pouch Country Blend chewing tobacco...................

Grabbed a bag of it and went trout fishing. Was apparently getting sick ANYWAYS...........nothing to do with the chew. That was 30+ years ago. I've since quit chewing. But i could grab a chaw of Levi or Beech Nut or Red Man right now and go. But I'd puke just to see Mail Pouch Country Blend.
Rondiaz spiced rum...
Gino’s pizza rolls. Haven’t touched one in 40 years, if they even exist anymore
When Pringles potato chips first came out I was around 10 years old. I thought they were great and ate dang near two whole tubes of them. Haven't eaten them again in the last 53 years.
Subway. That is all.
Gin, Honey and Muskmelon.
Fleicshmann's whiskey
Bowman’s Virginia Vodka.
Whatever the tequila is/was that has the plastic worm in the bottle.
Originally Posted by eaglemountainman
Fleicshmann's whiskey

Oh, GEEZ !!!!!!!!!!!!

I call that "wedding reception whiskey" LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This seems like mostly bad alcohol experiences
Originally Posted by hanco
This seems like mostly bad alcohol experiences

Not a problem I have!

Could see where many here would, though... laugh
Not something I ate, or drank, Wilson Soybean seed.
Yep, a fifth of Southern Comfort did it for me and a bud after the Jr. Sr. Banquet in high school. Can remember my mother tucking me in with the trash can next to the bed and whispering "hope you die" in my little ear. A call to my bud the next morning yielded the information from his irate mother that my bud spent the night with his head hanging out the window. She wanted to know where we got the stuff and I claimed amnesia. Never could stand the taste of bourbon, whiskey, ect after that little episode.
Chile and Rumplemintz. Not at the same time. Can eat chile and haven't had Rumplemintz in 30 years and won't ever again.
Originally Posted by Yoder409
Originally Posted by eaglemountainman
Fleicshmann's whiskey

Oh, GEEZ !!!!!!!!!!!!

I call that "wedding reception whiskey" LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, my dad owned a bar. When I was 15, I was restocking the empties from a Friday night while dad was cleaning up front and serving the Saturday Breakfast Club. I hid a bottle out the back door for when my brother came to pick me up. After school during the week, a buddy and I drained it in about two hours. When he left, I ate a whole sleeve of Oreos and passed out on the lawn by the driveway. Woke up drenched, in a big sour puddle of black puke. To this day, if I'm in a local bar and some old timer is drinking Fleicshmann's and a beer back, and I smell it, I'm done.
Originally Posted by Jerry_Lundegaard
Tequila. Got sick on it at a college party back in 1987. Haven’t touched it since, not even margaritas. The smell alone causes a gag reflex.

Same here, a bottle of cheap Poncho Villa. Puked my guts out and a blackout back in college 1991. I'm out can't even handle the smell of the good stuff.
Peanut butter/ chocolate Easter egg. 🤮
Circus Peanuts...the orange ones
Big hot mama pickled sausage from the corner store last night. On the pot right now regretting it. MOLTEN LAVA
Chicken McNuggets almost 40 years ago. I was driving to Atlanta to see my girlfriend. I got an order to eat on the way. About 4 hours later I was sick as a dog. Could have been something else, but the nuggets were the last thing I ate and the first thing to reappear. I think her Dad was impressed that I made it to the bathroom every time before I threw up.
Catsup. slept out doors in Hayward California at my Aunts house in 1958. next door to a Delmonte Catsup plant. woke up coughing up catsup. never touched it again.
Just tequilla
About 2 years ago.

One of my favorite meals is BBQ and a beer!
Went to a local "rib crib" and chowed down. As usual for me, l ordered ONE beer and nursed it through the meal and then had a small glass of water. No biggie!

About 5 hours later, I headed out to get the mail, I noticed my right ankle was painful, but since I crushed that heel, i just hobbled on out to the mailbox.
On the way back, every time i put my right foot down, i thought the top of my head would come off🤯!
By the time I got back to the house, I couldn't put my right foot to the floor and it hurt as badly as the day I broke it! It absolutely throbbed with pain.
About 8pm, we headed to the local ER.

I have tentatively tried BBQ since. No problem. I'm afraid to even attempt a beer! 😜
They gave me a strong steroid to work on the inflamation.
I DID NOT SLEEP for the next 36 hours!!!!
I tried durian fruit once in Thailand. Barfed in my mouth a little at the smell of it ( think a combo of hot cheese and rotten meat).
I won't be trying it again.
Aftershock cinnamon liqueur.
Anything chicken from fast food. Got salmonella from chicken fajitas at McDonalds 35 years ago. Thought I was a goner.
Peppermint schnapps. In college, took two pints of in on a 24 hour train ride. I'd gladly forget that if I could.
Wild Turkey. Still gag at even the smell of it.
Southern Comfort in college.

Never again!
When I was a little kid I ate about a half gallon of grapes. Got a bad bellyache and they came back up through my nose. Haven't liked them since
girls that graduated Wingfield High School
Originally Posted by Sykotik
Jack Daniel's for me too. About 30 years ago, a few buddies and I went moonlight bowling. You could win some money If you got a strike on a rack with a colored head pin.

My one buddy and I each drained a pint of J. D. in about 10 minutes before we left. Halfway through the 2nd game, The whiskey kicked in......I missed my lane once and Joe missed twice........They told us we couldn't
bowl anymore so we decided to shoot some pool.

The management wasn't enthused when, after a questionable shot, we decided to settle the little disagreement by fencing with the pool cues.

We were no longer allowed in that particular establishment.

To this day, Just the smell of Jack Daniel's gives me the dry heaves.

Yep. I got sick on JD once in HS.
Still can’t stand the smell of if it to this day.
Hanco: O/D'ed somehow on orange soda and popcorn when I was a kid - the resulting ongoing "colorful" wretch fest has caused me to not touch that combo for 65 years now.
Hold into the wind
Two things:

Octopus at a Chinese Wedding

Chili Cheese dogz from Dairy Queen

Never again
Red Man chew.
Cracker Barrel tried to kill me 30+ years ago. Haven't set foot in one since.
Cheese cake and onion rings
Bacardi and KFC in Saudi Arabia. Good Gosh!
I got sick of puzzy once but it only lasted about 4 hours.
Originally Posted by NDsnowman
Cheese cake and onion rings
Waldorf, huh?
Bacardi Orange in HS. Just thinking of it still gives me chills and queasy feelings.
Southern Comfort. Puke and rally night in college. Never again.

Chipotle. Oct 13th, 2020. Pretty sure it was ecoli from the Carne asada. Never again. Seriously thought I was dying.
Yukon Jack. In 1984 myself and a couple of buddies went to dinner and then headed to the quad cinema in Albany Or. Jason pulled out a pint and everyone had a shot off the bottle and went in and bought tickets. We walked down the center isle and I made it half way down and left my dinner right there in front of god and everybody present.
Originally Posted by Sykotik
Just the smell of Jack Daniel's gives me the dry heaves.

Me, too and I never got sick on it. grin
I’m still recovering from food poisoning. It started at 7pm Wednesday. I finally stopped puking and crapping enough that after 9pm I made it to the hospital. A few blood tests etc, and then some IV anti nausea drugs and saline. Got home at 3am Thursday. Still not right.

I think it was a Tim Hortons beef and chedar sandwich, but I’m not sure.
Tequila and Southern Comfort, both make me puke! Back in those days, I didn't know when to stop.
Originally Posted by chlinstructor
Originally Posted by Sykotik
Jack Daniel's for me too. About 30 years ago, a few buddies and I went moonlight bowling. You could win some money If you got a strike on a rack with a colored head pin.

My one buddy and I each drained a pint of J. D. in about 10 minutes before we left. Halfway through the 2nd game, The whiskey kicked in......I missed my lane once and Joe missed twice........They told us we couldn't
bowl anymore so we decided to shoot some pool.

The management wasn't enthused when, after a questionable shot, we decided to settle the little disagreement by fencing with the pool cues.

We were no longer allowed in that particular establishment.

To this day, Just the smell of Jack Daniel's gives me the dry heaves.

Yep. I got sick on JD once in HS.
Still can’t stand the smell of if it to this day.

Me too. about died in HS from Jack. Took 35 yrs to get over it. Now it tastes good again!!
Boones Farm apple wine. Many years ago.
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