It’s been a minute since I’ve ran a serious line for coyotes. Had #2’s for them before the offset jaws or laminated jaws became a thing. Sold all of my #2’s and only kept some 1 1/2’s for smaller nuisance stuff around the house. I was looking at getting some MB 550 or 650’s or some Duke #2’s both staked and drag setups. In SW Michigan now but will be relocating in a couple years to the Upper Peninsula. More boreal forest type cover than mixed farmland like down here. Just looking to see what the going trend is for coyotes from those still in the game.
Also any suggestions on the dog proof coon traps. Would love to know which is the best so I can get rid of some raccoons close to the house and around civilization without getting the attention of the snowflake crowd.

Keep your powder dry and stay frosty my friends.