Originally Posted by Isurrenderedmymauserand9mm
You lot voted in Biden - no-one can top that. I don't get your love of Biden - you'll have to explain that.
Funny how our president lives, rent free, in your 3rd world head. He’s been president for over 3 years and I can still take my AR into the back yard and fire off a binary trigger as fast as I can while you feel privileged that you used to be able to drive your absconded 9mm to the range.

What’s your president’s, prime minister’s, king’s…..whatever’s….name again? Disregard. It doesn’t matter. Whomever it is, they got their greedy little hands out to collect that US Dollar welfare so you insignificant turds don’t make Mad Max a documentary.

Keep scouring the news for US developments and gorging yourself on the US forums, loyal subject. Enjoy the vicarious freedom through our accomplishments. Your government didn’t confiscate imagination…..yet.