Originally Posted by Dillonbuck
He owns that house?
Just guessing but $6k isn't the same to him as to the average American who
works over 6 weeks to gross that. They would need loans, he will withdraw it.
Plus a grand or two in fines. 2 months wages for Mr. Average.
Then it's a tale to tell at home.

This is one time we need Scandinavian type penalties.
They would consider what he earns, then apportion the fines to hurt him equal
to the average person. Say he earns $500k instead of 50, his fine might be $20k.

Not class warfare.
I would be hit harder than average here, and that's fair.
Break a law, one should be punished the same as an 18 year old who did
that to a cheating boyfriend. Only this case is worse.
I have always thought that should be the case with speeding tickets, too. For an average working stiff with a family to feed, a $250.00 speeding fine is huge. To a multimillionaire, it's pocket change, and constitutes no punishment at all.