Well. from a dipstick to a super moron, I moved to NY only to care for my 92 year old Father and 89 Year old Mother. I lived in Tucson for more than half my life so I KNOW what is going on.

My Father has Alzheimers in the final stages and she is still as sharp as a tack. I really didn't want to move from Tucson, I guess, it is simply a matter of caring for my folks that NEEDED my help was MORE important than what I personally wanted at the time. I will go back to AZ when it is possible.
So, tell me, how many Illegals do YOU have living in your little corner of the world? 1000's? 100's? 10 maybe?
Just so you know 3 of my close friends were Mexicans, kinda like knowing a Black person HuH? It doesn't count for anything in a mind like yours. It is kind of like your statement "I know someone in the BP's". I am impressed, you have BEEN to the Border, So you know KNOW ALL that is important, you are our local Tennessee expert on the Illegal immigrant problems? What a laugh. MOVE to the area and see if you feel the same way.
To try to finish up, you have NO fears of Illegals THERE as damn few want to move to Tennessee, most of the illegals hang out near the border areas, steal, rape and commit other crimes. Like I said, shut up, move down here with your family and daughters and see what you think when your eyes are finally really opened.
Oh, McCain, is a Politician, what would you expect from one? Now, go suck up some more Tennesse sour mash and go to bed.