Originally Posted by bruinruin
I was surf fishing for steelhead last weekend and had a seagull fly into one of my lines and get slightly tangled. Seagull went into the water still tangled and I started swinging my rod tip around trying to free him. Eventually things unraveled and he flew off and I kept fishing.

Had this happen decades ago on the Outer Banks.

Was casting into the surf with one rod while I had a cut bait with a sinker off a rod that was standing up in a 5 gallon bucket. Seagull comes flying low up the beach with its legs hanging down. It hit the line between the standing rod and the water and flipped round and round, tail over tincups and was hanging there upside down flapping like a mother. It undid itself before I could get over to offer assistance.

Wollen nicht krank dein feind. Planen es.