Seems everyone has a pissing on an electric fence story. I do as well, my buddy and I were out on double date, he with my first cousin and I with a girl friend of hers. We’d been drinking a little beer, of course. We were parked on a little section line two track road with a shelter break and old homesite on one side and big wheat field on the other. A little rain shower came up and wet the ground pretty good but not enough to scare us out. Presently Curt (my buddy) had to take a leak so when he got out I thought be good time to relieve my self of some Pabst blue ribbon at same time. We walked a few yards down the edge of two track staying on the grass in order not get muddy feet . Curt went to the edge of the trees I turned my back and proceeded to water wheat field, just got started when I heard a high pitched scream, whirled around , wetting myself ,to witness Curt whirling around on the ground in obvious discomfort , seems the was a hot single stand electric fence hid in weeds and sure enough Curt stream hit it right off . Took some time for him to recover and talk in a audible fashion. We were both jocks and he said later it was much worse than t worst he kneeing ever gotten playing ball and no supporter to bout. Girls got a big kick out of it, we got very little necking done but dif’t get stuck in the mud. Ciurt worried for several years he might be sterile, but ended up marrying my cousin and they had two kids. Manny years later they divorced, she and I stil laugh about that night all these years later.All of us that have been around livestock at some point get bit but hopefully not as bad as Curt,