Doesn’t change the FACT that you are funding Trump’s enemies in exchange for your Thirty Pieces of Silver. Enjoy[/quote]

taylorce1 is spot on correct.
The largest freight mover in the U.S. is the railroads.
I can't think of a single railroad that is not union!
Truckers, bless their pea picking hearts are second.
Not all truckers are union. Lot'sa independent contractors!
Not sure where airlines fall in volume, but I'm sure they're up there.

Honestly, I have absolutely NO love for unions...BUT...if you removed everthing made or moved by union hands, you'd probably be living in a hand hewn log cabin eating home preserved goods with hand carved wooden utensils!
Food, clothing, tools, GUNS.... Just about anything needed for everyday life.
So, whether you want it to or not, a percentage of what you spend on a daily basis falls into union hands.
Que sera, sera!