Originally Posted by Swamplord
Over the course of history, Every country that kicked out God ..... ceased to exist in short order

Russia got Christianized in 880 AD and stood the test of time until the Yid Bolsheviks kicked out God,

Byzantium stood for 1300 years, until the Emperors and Senators got infiltrated by Yids and learned about Greed and replaced God with money

Australia and Canada are recent tenants who threw God out, we can see what's happening there

America is next & then there will no place to run to on the entire planet

Ha ha ha ha....That fiction was hilarious!

Just believe that Jesus was your savior and you'll be good to go - that's the only thing your God cares about. LOL!!!

If your angst is too overwhelming, just PM Wabi for a prayer request...LOL!!!