The only Sako 75 I've had much experience with was the stainless/synthetic lightweight in .308. It shot like crazy, everything from factory to handloads in AT MOST .7".

Don't know why it wouldn't work on dangerous game, as long as the action fed and ejected smoothly. My own feeling about controlled-feed actions is that while they're nice, I've seen just about as many screw-ups when using them as when using push-feeds. In other words, dependability depends more on the individual operator and action than style of action.

Also, before 1990 (when Winchester brought back the CRF Model 70) the whole debate was almost non-existent. I doubt if one of of 1000 hunters knew what the hell CRF was, and why it was supposed to be a good thing. Then all of a sudden, half the new rifles being introduced were CRF, and you couldn't risk shooting a whitetail without one.