Originally Posted by northern_dave
Right to work passed judiciary committee by a 7-6 vote today in MN.

Too slim if you ask me, it should have been 8-5 but one republican actually crossed over.

Now it needs to pass house and senate floor so that it can be put to a public vote on the Nov ballot.

We are very much in favor as my wife is one of the many labor hostages of a union. Very much against her will, she would love to have the right to opt out and perform her job free of the union.

I have my fingers crossed that it makes the ballot. If it makes the ballot, it WILL be voted into effect.

If this goes all the way, I believe MN would be the 24th state to become a "right to vote" state.

This is so very important for so many reasons. For one it would greatly reduce the cashflow that is poured directly into the dem party and the overall liberal agenda.

So your wife is getting excited over the prospect of lower wages, maybe a loss of overtime?

I get you though, I hated my dues going to the democrats, just a little bit more than my employer's money (he said he couldn't afford to pay me), going to the GOP. Oh well, he provided me a job, so who am I to say, just as the union provided me better pay and beni's through negotiation. What I ever lost to the democrats, I gained back through collective bargaining.