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Pelagic Outfitters $.01 Spectra Spooling Sale

We want to show our appreciation to the forum members for the support they have shown us. Normally Spectra spooling runs about $.17 to about $.26 a yard.
With some exceptions, due to mfg restraint, we would like to offer $.01 Spectra spooling on new reel purchases.
Since it's best to call to discuss how you'd like your new reel spooled we can also discuss what reel would best suit youre needs.
We offer top mfg's such as Jerry Brown, Seaguar Threadlock, Pro Pro, Sufix & other top, non-Chinese, mfg's.

Thanks for your continued support it is greatly appreciated. Please feel free to call us at 631-225-8862 or e-mail us PelagicOutfittersaol.com to discuss your fishing needs.

Catch'em up
Doug & Chris

Thank you for your continued support.
If there is anything else that we can assist you with please let us know.

For your Fishing Tackle needs please visit www.PelagicOutfitters.com