Coolness factor aside, the draw of the Mini (mine’s a SS Ranch) for me is its simplicity, slim form-factor, and low-maintenance utter reliability. Toting it around with a flush 5-round mag is distinctly more comfortable than anything with a big box hanging down, and it’s less likely to draw negative attention from the dog-watchers and bird-walkers (that’s a joke) that frequent the WMA I hunt and hike, many of whom think it’s some kind of park or nature preserve.

My potential real deal scenarios are likely less demanding than those of some others, but I have a couple of ARs now and another on the way that I can hang schitt on if I want to protect my “castle” in style. For certain they’re simple to futz with and both in hand have been quite accurate and thus far, early in the game, reliable. The one on order is a carbine that I hope to set up well while keeping the weight within reason.

What fresh Hell is this?