One fine day out of camp, my two buddies and I shot four caribou and a moose. This pretty much meant the rest of the hunt was spent hauling meat to camp. One less person and one more moose would not be a great time, unless your timing was very good. By that I mean...above all things, do not shoot two at once... whistle.

Could be a great thing, if you like eating moose. But I'd put the hopes on killing one moose and getting it out to camp before shooting the second one, for sure. And after hanging the parts and pieces you spent a couple days hauling, you might decide one is plenty smile.


"The more you run over a dead cat, the flatter it gets."

"If you're asking me something technical, you may be looking for My Other Brother Darrell."

"It ain't foot-pounds that kills stuff -- it's broken body parts."