I've gone on two float hunts. Each time I rented 14' rafts. IMO you can't expect to float a raft with two guys in it, plus all of their gear, plus the meat from two moose. A 14' raft can carry about half a ton (1,000#). Two guys and their gear will weigh about 500#. The meat from a bull moose will weigh at least 600#, probably more. Twice I've seen rafts loaded with two guys, their gear and the meat from one moose, and the raft kept scraping the bottom and any more weight would have sunk the raft. You would be trying to carry about 1,800# in a raft rated for 1,000#. Even if the raft would float when carrying that much weight, I don't think there's physically enough room for two guys, their gear and the meat from two bull moose on a raft. I've done it with two caribou and that's OK but two moose, forget it.

I think the other guys are right. Consentrate on doing one moose right and plan on returning for the second moose.


Wind in my hair, Sun on my face, I gazed at the wide open spaces, And I was at home.