Originally Posted by Fubarski
Just the type of well-reasoned, logical, fact-based argument the fire has come to expect of you.

Either you consider the consequences, or you don't.

Before the shot, it MIGHT have worked out fine.

Shallow thinking stops there.

HOWEVER, it may not have worked out fine, either for the elk, or the girl.

Would a young "hunter" have been encouraged by the sight of a wounded elk, writhing on the ground, gut shot and unable to escape?

Or an elk gut shot, that DID escape (worse), to die later, unrecovered, because of an unforseen twist of fate?

The girl was used to make a point, and hopefully sell a product, though she may not realize that.


The odds of any "downside" of taking the shot in the OP video were FAR less than a total [bleep] up like you snipping at a deer at 50 yards. wink

Hence your fixation on muffing shots.

I don't see how that young woman was "used" for ANYTHING, azzhole. She is obviously over 21. She was legally hunting elk with a borrowed precision rifle.

Also the shot was set up by someone who has more brains and intellect than you obviously can muster. Hence your envy and desire to dwell on the "what if" rather than the reality of WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED.

People like you are truly a waste of human potential.

Last edited by jim62; 12/09/11.

To all gunmaker critics-
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.."- Teddy Roosevelt